It's a simple equation, really. So, what have i done this evening to try to fill the boredom stretching into what was once sleep's territory?
It wasn't work, i can (or at least will) tell you that much. but in an ironic twist of my lifetini, I took a quiz to help me figure out what work I should be doing... But here, share in the results and joy of my quiz-taking: (Their results in blue, my comments follow)
You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to stimulate your senses and your mind, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
* Novelist * Photographer * Vet * Medical Technician * Paralegal * Geologist * Marine Biologist * Graphic Designer * Online Content Developer * Webmaster * Computer Security * Producer * Computer Programmer * Technical Writer * Systems Analyst * Meteorologist * Artist
You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private.
You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses.
You like to be involved deeply in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others at all costs.
You trust what is certain. You only like new ideas if they can be practically applied to the situation. You value what is real. You use your common sense. You like to utilise the skills you have instead of learning new ones. You are very specific and detailed when writing or talking to others. You follow directions well. You like things to be laid out for you to do instead of working them out for yourself. You like decisions to be made. You don't like things to be left in limbo. You like to know what you are getting into before you commit to something.
You like to focus on the here and now. You enjoy completing projects. It is important for you to achieve and succeed. Therefore, you believe in working hard and playing later. You like to set goals and work towards them.
So, first, I would like to say that I would just *love* to be a novelist, artist, or photographer. But I also enjoy eating. So, while these may be excellent hobbies for quite some time, I fear they would not constitute employment (at least not currently).
Next, I find the penultimate comment hilarious. There's actually a question on the quiz: "Do you prefer to work now and play later? Or play now and work later?" I specifically recall answering, "play now and work later." 'cuz that's what i'm doing every_time_i_blog, y'all.
also, i find it fascinating that they suggest marine biologist, and not plain old biologist. maybe i'm just too fast-livin' to be a boring ol' biologist...
And, regarding "online content developer", I suppose I'm doing that for you people...for FREE! maybe you would all like to contribute to my musings? No? S'okay.
Producer. Of what?
Paralegal but not lawyer. Hmmm.
The other jobs sound mind-numbingly boring; they probably aren't, but I think I would rather open a few veins than become a systems analyst.
Maybe I should do the Peace Corps for a couple of years...while i write my novel and take pictures of the landscape, to be painted later.
I Couldn't Make This Up If I Tried.
 Today, I’d like to talk about friends. Y’know, how you should choose your buddies, and the art of forgiveness and grace for your pals, who might flub up once in awhile. And when they goof, you should drop them like cold stones in the Arctic. They’re no good. Leave them. Immediately. Don’t dilly dally around with people who have flaws; with people who might lie to you to try to save your feelings—because those people suck. This, of course, was not my view on life until recently. But Bill O’Reilly has opened my eyes with his heart-warming book, The O’Reilly Factor for Kids: A Survival Guide for America’s Families. I share with you now the pearls of wisdom and goodness dripping from this sage’s pen: “This guy and I had known each other since first grade and we were pretty solid. At least, I thought we were. Freshman year is always tough because you are the youngest in the school and still trying to figure out the program. There was this dance I wanted to go to, but I didn’t want to go alone. I wanted some guys to hang with so the girls would think I was cool. So I asked my friend, who was usually for this kind of thing, if he would come along. He said he couldn’t go. I said fine and found a couple of other guys to go with me. But when we arrived at the hop, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My so-called friend who told me he couldn’t’ go to the dance was out there doing the twist like a madman. What was up with that? I cornered this so-called friend later, and he admitted that some of the guys he went to the dance with didn’t like me, so he didn’t want me around. “If that happened in a TV sitcom, everybody would have made up and had a few laughs. But life is different. I never trusted that guy again and rarely spoke to him. Since he never apologized, I think I made the smart decision. He wasn’t a true friend and that happens a lot in life. By not wasting any more time with him, I went on to make real friends, many of whom I hang around with to this day. I’m that kind of guy: once I become friends with you, I’m in for life unless you do something bad to me. Even though I am now famous and successful, I still keep my old friends. And believe me, none of them looks like Jennifer Aniston. It would not be hard being her friend.” ( O’Reilly Factor For Kids, page 4). I'm not even going to touch the creepiness of that last line in a children's book. Well, I'll touch it a little: EWWWW!!! I'd add more to this, but really, any more jokes of mine would be superfluous humor. This man is a comic genius. Labels: Funny
I Fear for the Future
Perhaps my private schooling insulated me from the cold, hard truth: society is brimming with idiots. And they ain't just dumb, they're lazy to boot. I am teaching intro to political science, and the essays I've received are so awful, they're not even laughable. They were told to include 6 to 8 academic cites; in their works cited, a few of my students have cited the same work three times, with different page numbers for each of the three cites...that's a strategy, I guess. Wikipedia. Let's talk about it, shall we? It's not an academic cite! Not only am I telling all of you this (who probably don't care), I've told them this. Several times. With emphasis. And conviction. I told them, "Do not cite this anywhere in this paper, nor any paper you ever write here in your college career. It is akin to citing your Grandpa; and may, in fact, be citing your Grandpa. It is open source--this means you have no idea if a professor wrote the entry, or your drunken roommate on a dare." And yet, my students are citing Wikipedia like it's a guaranteed A. I had to give a student an F today. I hate failing students. I mean, this person put in effort to paraphrase a book, type up this paraphrasing, and approximate a works cited page (which includes several cites which are just titles...that's it--no author, no publication date). But when the amount of effort put into the paper is less than the amount of effort I have to put into grading and attempting to correct his/her grammar, then I feel I have no choice. (Don't worry, it was not only sloppy, it was mostly wrong, too). I think this angers me so much because I struggled so hard throughout high school to try to win scholarships and financial aid to attend a good school--and once there, I worked my ass off to earn my education. I value education--in terms of both its intrinsic value, and the value I've assigned to it through my own efforts and struggles. And it seems that most of my students are here because they wanted to live near the beach, their parents were willing to pay the full tuition, and going to college seemed like the *cool* thing to "do." But they're not doing it! They're barely even faking it! I'm also pissed because I know I'm going to see these failed students in my office later, where they will expend more effort whining for a better grade than they put into their papers originally. Labels: Ranting
Random Walks through the Sunday of My Mind
I've been poring over the constitution and parliamentary rules of Sweden and have come to this conclusion: the words Sweden and Swedish look and sound funny very quickly. Other words which I find strange after repetition: pool, toilet, swoop, swish, bongo, sabbath. Also, my dog has taken to pooping on the lawn of the Catholic church on our walks through the neighborhood. I've switched our route, to try to, um, empty him before we hit the church, but he always manages to drop a contribution in their lush and grassy donation plate. Hmmm. Though I always have my bags ready, today I fervently hoped that Mass wouldn't let out in the middle of his act of heresy... I also ordered two more cds on-line, and began reading Gogol, Dead Souls. This reminded me of my friend, B, who also buys his music on-line exclusively, his reason being that music stores remind him of his mortality. "While you can step into a bookstore and delude yourself into thinking you could skim through all of the books in your lifetime, a 60-minute album takes 60 minutes to listen to, no matter what. So, you know you'll die before you can ever listen to all of the music before you in Amoeba." Luckily for B, netflix has solved this dilemma in the realm of film... I, of course, have many more random thoughts, but why crowd them all into one post?
It's Not Always Sunshine and Roses.
My mother attempted suicide again about two weeks ago. My cell phone was stolen, my landline doesn't work, and neither she nor her those in contact with her have access to email. So, thankfully, I've had a bit of respite from the demands of my grandmother and uncle, the pleas from my mother, and everyone's requests that I assume guardianship of her and commit her to a state mental hospital in Mississippi. I haven't complied with this request not because I'm trying to avoid responsibility, but because I don't understand why everyone assumes a state mental hospital is preferrable to her repeated suicide attempts. Rather than prevent her from taking her life so that she may waste away in an underfunded and dismal institution, why not provide her with a more humane way to fulfill her wish? I just don't understand why suicide has to be avoided at all costs; her repeated attempts, and the endless stream of phone calls detailing the reasons she no longer wishes to live over such a prolonged period suggest to me that perhaps this would be best for everyone. I don't say this because I hate my mother, or even because I am tired of comforting her at 4 am (which is certainly true); I say it because if she is really so miserable, why should we force her to keep living? And especially in what will most certainly be horrid conditions? We, as a society, have become so consumed with protecting and prolonging life under all circumstances that we've begun imposing our own desire to live on those who have no such wish. Why is it acceptable that a cancer patient opt for hospice rather than continued extreme courses of therapy, and unacceptable for my mother to make, substantively, the same choice? How is a state mental institution less extreme, less undesirable than painful chemotherapy? I've never understood why suicide was illegal; it imposes no financial costs on the state or the citizenry, it impinges on no bystander's rights, it's 'victim' is also the perpetrator. No, it's rarely, if ever, prosecuted, but still, the state is saying that you don't have the right to decide whether you live or die; you have a right to pursue life, liberty and happiness, but if happiness is death, then all bets are off. Sorry to be so morbid, everyone. These are perhaps thoughts that do not belong in the ether.
Hell has a soundtrack
and, coincidentally, it happens to be the same soundtrack they play at the mall! today, i share a lengthy quote from Mamet's book, The Cabin, which i'm currently enjoying immensely: "I am offended by the universality of recorded music being played in situations where the listener is powerless to escape. "I do not find it necessary that restaurateurs, businesspeople, and captains of transportation should elect to fill the arguably nonmusical moments in my day with their notion of the correct theme. "I would prefer the street sounds, general, quiet, or the lovely rhythm of human conversation to music played in a restaurant. Why should the tastes of some restaurant 'consultant' predominate over my own predilection for silence? "One might argue that said music is simply background, but it is not so for me. I love music. I play music, I write music, and when it is being played I am unable to tune it out. I am listening to it against my will, distracted from my thoughts, my book, my work, and hating the choice, the fact, and the arrangement, of the music, and the arrogance of those who have subjected me to it. Can it be that those of a certain class cannot imbibe their alcohol or chew their food without hearing Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holiday, would feel cheated if the synthesizer arrangement of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds were not playing while they rifled through the men's department? "I suggest that no one enjoys that music. That it is there because it is there, and that most peoiple either do not notice it or have come to accept it as the correct background noise for the above activities." Amen, Brother David. I think they play the worst "music" possible--so unique in its un-musicalness, it has been termed muzak--so that everyone suffers equally; if no one is enjoying the music, then no one feels individually slighted--all of humanity is suffering the burden of Kenny G's butcherings. i always feel badly for the musicians, most of whom are, arguably, technically sophisticated if a bit soul-less, and not one of them could be enjoying the process of recording that crap. sure, they're getting a paycheck, but it would be akin to being an actor and landing a gig playing Santa at the mall. Civilization has gone horribly awry. Labels: Ranting