notes from the tour
her sister died and became a tornado. the dead tornado's sister took the last spot at the campsite that night. is it okay if they sleep here, Laura? sure, she told the park ranger. and give them that hand-rolled cigarette, Bill. neither of us really wanted it but it seemed rude somehow to refuse. like she had offered us a freshly slaughtered guinea pig in peru and we would be insulting her people to snub the gift. she's homeless and sleeps here and other sites along the coast for $3 a night. up and down the beaches with a yoga mat and her crap...she surveys it and shakes her dirt-thick, dirty blond hair. "i have too much stuff. I need to get rid of some of my clutter."
she can fit all of her belongings into a small shopping cart.
she can fit all of her belongings into a small shopping cart.