

I met a boy last weekend who is recently divorced. He's only 25, and got married when he was just 21. On his ribs, he got a tattoo with a knife piercing a heart upon which was written "forever." He explained that it was to remind him never to make any more "forever" decisions.

I wondered if his ribs caught the irony which clearly escaped his brain.

As I sat on my balcony last night, a tiny silver sports car parked on the hill out front of my building. A rotund man rolled himself out of the driver's seat and into the street. He was almost out of breath from maneuvering his large body out of such a small car. I began to wonder why such a car is called "sports." The sweat on his forehead came not from driving athletically, but from the thermal blanket of fat wrapped around his body. It's cruel, but I thought to myself, "When you speed down the road, it's a rush; when I speed down the road, it's an accomplishment."

And then I remembered that if I hadn't rolled my body onto a bicycle two years ago, I would be heaving my large body out of cars, too.