
Poetry Spam

I find these in my mailbox at work often. I actually read it today, and I will no longer be quickly deleting these.

Enjoy (my favorite line is in bold):

Cophagus'--and, partly to make their acquaintance, partly from a natural aptitude for crime, Sackville Maine followed them, and became an adept in the odious custom. Where it is introduced into a family I need not say how sad the consequences are, both to the furniture and the morals.
Sackville smoked in his dining-room at home, and caused an agony to his wife and mother-in-law which I do not venture to describe. He then became a professed BILLIARD-PLAYER, wasting hours upon hours at that amusement; betting freely, playin

I also enjoy that this Sackville became a professed BILLIARD-PLAYER. Are the caps to express disbelief that Sackville could stoop to such an occupation? Who is professing this change? Oh, thank you spam.


Blogger slickaphonic said...

So B-Baltimore tells me this spam is most likely generated by some sort of modification on a bayesian/markov chain. It sounds an awful lot like the poetry machine the write 'built'.

Who knew I had daily poetry waiting for me in my inbox?

2:25 AM  

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