
9 out of 10 Dictators Can't Be Wrong!

I sometimes wish I lived in "communist" Russia (hey, I'm a political scientist, I get to use quotes around "communist"!). Really, any socialist country which offers only one brand of anything, and you stand in line for a few hours, relaxed because, the choice made for you, you know that you could have done no better.

I tried to buy toothpaste today. As per my usual routine, I was trapped in the oral hygiene aisle for about 17 minutes.

That's a long time to look at toothpaste boxes.

Some are gels and some are pastes. They all promise to clean my teeth--some "naturally", some with baking soda, some with fluoride, some with tiny elves with pickaxes. The fact that there is a choice seems to suggest that one might be better suited for my teeth's needs. What if I pick the toothpaste only recommended by 3 out of five dentists? What do those last two dentists know that I don't?!?

I just feel overwhelmed. And the fact that there are so many choices means there are so many opportunities to choose unwisely (I did this once when I bought the 'natural' toothpaste. "Natural", as far as I can tell, means squeezed out of Tom's rectal region and straight onto your toothbrush).

anyway. Some people think our society is full of depressed people because we have too much time on our hands, we don't have to hunt the wild boar and shuck the corn for dinner, anymore. Our houses come built by other hands; our clothes, by the good people of Taiwan. But I think it's a bit more subtle than that. I think so many first-worlders are depressed because we are given choices at every turn, and we must accept responsibility for most of our lives. If we don't like where we are, it's because of some choice we made at the beginning of the game tree. And knowing that every choice has the potential to ripple far into the future makes the breadth of options overwhelming and, for me--many times--a bit terrifying.

When do you stop trying to get 'the best' and settle for 'the good enough'? Given that you will never know for certain, will you ever believe you succeeded?

So, sometimes I wish I were in my Indian friends' sandals and could just leave the matchmaking up to the parents and the astrology charts. I could leave the toothpaste choice up to my dictator (or his sprawling bureaucracy). Or, ideally, that there was some sort of probe which could map all of my preferences and choose the best option for me given those preferences.

Of course, there would probably be 14 different models and brands of mind-probe machines to choose from.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was JUST talking about this a few days ago. I truly believe much of our ills and depression is based on too many choices, too much opportunity, and so we never ever feel satisfied. I try to settle for "good enough" and move on. Of course, having limited time as I do does make it a BIT easier. eh?

7:03 AM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

that is why you are my blonde twin.

limited time or a poor reversion point ensures a decision, but in no way eases the anxiety i feel after making said decision.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No longer blonde though. No no. Now an auburnette.

3:29 AM  

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