
Scissors, no threads.

I know how to cut people out of my life
You simply guide the scissors about the outline of their memory
careful to cut as closely as possible,
the fewer the scraps you'll deal with later
clean-up can be a bitch.

It's difficult cutting people from your fabric
as certain threads are sure to have become knotted--
entwined with the fabric of other people
people you wish to keep in your cloth.
It's never as clean as you would wish for
But this is an art, not a craft.

You must dispose of the unwanted sections as quickly as possible
lest they fray and leave threads hanging about your daily life
cast over the chair in your living room,
clinging to the rug on your floor
waiting to pop up on your new sweater the next time you step out

that first cut was so terrifying
i was afraid of the scissors, so sharp and pointy, you see
i did not want to damage the person being excised
But then my cloth looked so much better after she had gone
and pruning season had begun.

I know how to cut people out of my life.



Blogger ttractor said...

Word. And then there are people who will argue you should not do this. Those I want to push off a roof. I find the challenge is to know when to cut out, and when to add on.

2:01 PM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

those people are wrong (and should be cut out of your life immediately).

nah, by the time i think of using the emotional scissors, the person has usually taken on some sort of tumor-like quality, and it is dire that he or she be removed.

5:22 PM  
Blogger EMC said...

I've always prided myself on the ability to cut people out of my life. I sometimes think I'm too good at it, which I'm not sure is always a good thing.

Though I always likened it to excising a cancerous mole.

3:06 PM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

ec: I only recently discovered the joys of 'cutting' far, i haven't lost anything i miss.

12:41 AM  
Blogger VV said...

C'mon. Write some more.

7:31 AM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

I would, but I'm biking from LA to SD tomorrow in one day...if I survive the 160 mile trip, I will TOTALLY write some more.

stay tuned...(and send help if you don't hear from me within three days!)

6:10 PM  

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