
Oh Happy Day/ I Shall Be Released

both are excellent gospel songs, which now succinctly capture my emotions. I am being released from studying the Senate, a topic which held my interest only about as much as a crossword or sudoku puzzle, but really never held my passion. this is why i very very very rarely blog about my work, because it was boring to me into a severe depression.

i'm defending my prospectus the first week of january--the prospectus being the 60 page monstrosity on the Senate, will then crank out a few papers using the data I have toiled over, and THEN...well, I get to choose a new topic!!! My advisor is letting me choose a new topic!!! I get to study something I like!!! My brain is brimming with possibilities right now, but the sheer giddiness of the whole affair is overtaking any serious thought today. I do know that work on ethnicity, religion and politics is 'hot' right now, and both these topics are subjects I've long held dear...(or at least thought an awful lot about). good lord, send a winning lottery ticket my way and I'll just plain die of joy.

I'll keep you posted!



Blogger ttractor said...

oh hooray! I hope you get to pick something wonderful!

12:26 PM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

Thanks...I think I have! But I need to fly it past the ol' advisor first.

I'll let you know as soon as I do.

9:04 PM  

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