
Our Ritual

We lie in bed together, and slowly and innocently begin to trace out one another's bodies with our fingers. Arms and hands and earlobes and eyebrows, as though we were blind, we seek to recreate the image of one another through touch. In a soft but persistent wave, every particle and nerve ending awakens and we are in love.

We walk down the street together, and slowly and innocently begin to offend one another with our words. Hurts and feelings and histories and old wounds, as though we are oblivious, we blindly recreate the past through careless assumptions. In a painful but familiar wave, every past emotion and transgression flows over me and we are hurting.

We think of each other distantly from remote locations, and slowly and innocently begin to paint over the wounds with the pigment of wonderful memories. Beauty and laughter and lightness and warmth, as though we were simply old friends, we seek to recapture our past glory through tactile communication. In an urgent but joyous wave, every fiber and quark of my being wants to see you so that we may trace the other's body in our innocent way...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't comment on this because I didn't know exactly what to say. But I love this.

2:39 AM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

i didn't know what exactly what to say either, so i emailed him this.

thank you.

4:33 PM  

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