
If Only Tantrums Weren't So Passe

I was outbid on my lovely little Corona typewriter with 5 seconds left on the auction clock. After a few mouseclicks, I learned that an on-line typewriter store bought my typewriter (for $41.00--$1.00 over my bid) to re-sell it for the non-bargain price of $350.

I am sad.

that is all.



Blogger ttractor said...

ebay can be so deflating. When I really really have to have something, I use a sniper service.

11:36 AM  
Blogger B said...

There are more typewriters in the sea. Did you ever read my How to bid optimally on ebay" thing? No need to get wrapped up in competition---if it's worth $40 and the other guy bid who-knows-what, let `em have it.

Although it will be delightful indeed when you hand in your dissertation, neatly typed, tactile, and smelling faintly of ink, you have a decent amount of time before then to find the right machine.

And there are always yard sales.

12:35 PM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

So they actually have sniping services? How do these work? Where does one go?

You know, after a little bit of investigation, I learned (the bitches who stole my typewriter) started because this guy was hunting through flea mrakets and yard sales and antique stores for a typewriter for his girlfriend.

and now he is evil.

B: We all know the math behind auction theory, but we also know the reality never matches the theory; a second-price and first-price auction should generate the same amount of income so says calculus, but it never does, so says data. I gladly would have paid $5 more--and in fact, had held $5 back so that just in case I got sniped I might have a chance to outbid; this jackass waited until 5 seconds before the auction ended to make his first bid--clearly, he didn't want to pay the (his perceived) expected value..and didn't want to give anyone else a chance to win it.

I still say "Fucker."

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poo. I don't know much about bidding on E-bay. My mom is a pro at it. Maybe she should become a sniper service, but I expect they use software. As I recall, I thought there was also a way to put in your highest bid and have the software bid in increments for you.

Ack...I don't know what the hell I'm talking about here, but you should probably do what that guy did, and scour some flea markets and little out of the way shops. You never know what you might find, and you won't be trying to outbid someone else.

Better luck next time.

12:17 AM  

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