Good Things Are Coming.

I apologize for not posting earlier; but I'm now beginning to map out another short story for you--aren't you excited? It's based on characters at a karoake bar in LA, about whom I scribbled many notes on several coasters (my friend told me that taking pictures would be rude...sigh). AND, I now have a typewriter with which to begin writing that novel.
Isn't she lovely?
Oh, yes. Good Things are Coming.
Where did you get it? It's beautiful. I can almost hear the satisfying, "clack, clackity clack" from here.
I'm adding you on myspace.
E-bay, of course; without a car, it's a bit difficult to go hunting in flea markets (and I don't like to imagine the bike ride home carrying that huge lug of beauty in my messenger bag...)
Oh, and I never would have guessed that was your name. E-ver.
I think for a while, I'm going to have to just adorn my blog entries with pics of beautiful old typewriters, whether or not there is any relevance whatsoever...
What would you have guessed? If you got it out of the comments, that bugger of a friend of mine insists on shortening my name to that abominable nickname. I assure you, she doesn't have my permission to do so. I'm plotting her demise as we speak.
But really, what would you have guessed?
You know, as I typed that comment, I was trying to figure out what I actually would have accepted as your natural name...All I can say is that I expected something...wholly different. Not Sophia, not Emma, not Rose...Fiona? Hmm. I think I would have accepted Fiona.
My mother was a huge fan of Arthurian legend. I was named after Guinevere, but she didn't want me to be called "Gwen" for short.
You were supposed to be Guinevere. Even Gwen I like. That's a lovely dipthong you just don't see enough of if you ask me...
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