
My Apologies

My home computer has been quite ill of late. who knew you could _actually_fill_up a hard drive? And, further, that one's computer would revolt by refusing to turn on once said computer's hard drive was filled? Hmmm.

So, my dissertation data has been trapped in an increasingly evil-looking IBM laptop, which between coughs and sputters, I know is sneering at me. I have been one whole week without my data. I'm not sure I can express the emotion of this situation--in fact, I don't think we've yet named this emotion in the English language. Well, I now call it Schalfiblachusmichus. I have been anxiety-ridden over not being able to crank out those necessary graphs, regressions and the like for my advisor, nor do the constitutions coding which is what I'm supposedly being paid to do, nor check my email nor play word racer nor putter around people's blogs nor google what movie i ended up watching on saturday starring jodie foster, rob lowe and beau bridges, nor whether marilyn manson and shirley manson are related; but i haven't felt any of the guilt I usually feel as I watch movies on the weekend, while my data sits neglected in the corner. I've also never wanted to do work so badly in my whole life. Surely, I should see someone about this. I clearly have issues.

I clearly STILL do not have a laptop.

Well, I must make the most of my time here--I have so much googling to do it would boogle your mind.


Blogger famjaztique said...

Late to comment on this...however, my advising professor reminds me once a week, if not once a day, and even while I'm sleeping, to back everything up.

Back it up on a jumpdrive, she says.
Back it up on my external hard drive, she says.
Back it up to the lab computer, she says.
Back it up to the H drive through the college, she says.

I guess I can thank her for the avoidance of future troubles.

And next time she says, "back it up", I'll just smile and say, "thank you".

verification word: gqenyz
GQ in New York Zity
(spoken with a French accent possibly)

1:13 AM  
Blogger slickaphonic said...

Oh, how I wish I had heeded that sage advice...

But, laptop is back in action, and miracle or miracles, I've lost no data!


(read with French accent definitely)

2:48 AM  

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