Mea Culpa

Dearest readers (I think there are now four of you),
After reading a recent email from my pal B-London, I realized how much I've forgotten to post here--I've become a glutton for all of the comments I receive at *that other site*. Sooo, I apologize. And offer the posts you've missed (sorely, I'm sure):
If You're Happy and You Know It
I have a place to live. I don't know how I did it, but out of 15 applications, I somehow won the prize of a roof, floor and walls. And I will live--by myself. Hurrah!
I also have a new love in my life. Her name is Bessie. She is a Nishiki road bike, and we are going on long rides together, not saying much, but feeling plenty. My last bike, Beatrix, was swell, but I felt it was time for both of us to move on. I released her to my neighbor with a kind wish...her curvy aluminum frame was so familiar to my legs, my hands, my eyes; but she was a hybrid, and I've become a purist.
I do not know why all of my bikes' names must begin with "B". I desperately wanted to name Nishiki "Millie." But my mind wouldn't let me. Whenever I thought of her, she was always Bessie. I certainly have no intention of ever referring to her as "Bessie the Bike," so an alliteration is clearly unnecessary.
I've decided to finish my PhD, profess for a couple of years--until my school loans and debts are paid off, and then change careers. I'm currently entertaining thoughts of culinary school, apprenticing in violin-building, or going to a music conservatory. This new plan has filled my heart with so much joy, I fear my veins may burst, sending a geyser of red bliss all around my apartment, and surely forfeiting my security deposit in the process. A small price to pay.

I Could Never Love a Robot
I am naturally drawn to symmetry and logic. there is something infallible, safe, strong and beautiful in everything logical; symmetry seems to be the structural equivalent of logic, and therefore, symmetrical beings and visions are beautiful to me.
However, I find the truly breathtaking resides in the subtle flaws. I love slightly crooked teeth. I love hearing subtle mistakes in musical recordings... mistakes which become so fundamental to my enjoyment of the piece. I love the intense pursuits of perfection--certain to lead to the most beautiful flaws of all...But this is all a secret I shouldn't be sharing with strangers.
More Evidence News Just Rocks
Reporter: "So, Tom, your Mother died of breast cancer when you were 16 and you battled colon cancer three years ago. Can you tell me why you got so choked up mentioning your Live Strong bracelet?"
Reporter: "So, Nancy, I know you've just had so much fun working on these desserts. Tell me how much fun you've had."
Evening news advertisement: "The President gave his address on immigration reform last night. At 5, we'll gauge your reactions."
Um, thanks.
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