
Gas-powered Leapfrog

I've been ranting a lot. So, today, I'll share a *funny story*. A warning to the reader, my definition of funny diverges quite dramatically from that of the average American citizen. Or Ghanan. Probably Australian, too.

So my friend and I both had crazy parents. this makes for a great catalogue of funny stories. I'll be going back and forth between our stories, sometimes writing hers down, sometimes mine. I'll let you figure out which ones belong to whom.

My mother worked as a stripper, and many times, while at the strip club, she had affairs with men. Of course, I never put any of this together until I was much older. What I did put together is that for some reason, Mommy being at that place pissed Daddy off all to hell.

One night, my father decided to punish my mother by "stealing" her car, thus leaving her stranded at the strip club, which was about 15 miles away (oh, not a lot of public transportation or cabs near the strip club). The problem, of course, is that my brother and I were too young, and therefore too short to reach the pedals to help him execute this plan. But we were already there, so...

Dad got out his car, and then drove my mom's car about two blocks, walked back to us, and drove his car about four blocks. Then he walked back to her car, drove her car about two blocks, etc, etc, all the way home.

It took him the whole evening to get the family cars back to our house, but I think he was really proud of his problem-solving skills under duress.

After that, leapfrog in the schoolyard just seemed a lame imitation of my father's much grander game.



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